The site is published by Terrabiotec S.A..
The publication director is Antoine Tronçon.
The constituent elements of this website, developed and hosted by amyma web SARL 14, rue Strachen L-6933 Mensdorf RCS B 179711, are protected by the applicable legislation on copyright, trademark law, model law and unfair competition.
They include in particular the architecture, the graphic charter (including the colors, the character charters and the graphic organization of the screens), as well as all the information and elements available on the site, such as in particular the texts, articles, photographs, illustrations , images, brands and logos.
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Any person who does not comply with the applicable legal provisions is guilty of the offense of counterfeiting and is liable to the criminal penalties provided for by law, notwithstanding any other recourse by Terrabiotec S.A..
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The applicable law is Luxembourg law.